We've never said it wasn't a dumbass idea!

Donkey Bonk

About Us

The journey, of which only the dumbest understand.


The takeover

In a world that often elevates influencers to demigod status, our community, self-affectionately known as the "Dumbasses," found itself in the aftermath of an unexpected departure. No lofty promises were made, and no grand visions were laid out for us. Instead, we were left in the wake of an influencer who, without warning, abandoned ship, leaving us to navigate the turbulent waters of uncertainty.

Undeniably, we felt the sting of betrayal. No grandiose commitments were broken, but the void left by an absent figurehead prompted a collective decision – we were not going to succumb to defeat. In the absence of promises, we discovered a shared determination to forge our own path.

The Dumbasses transformed from a group that had been let down to a community bound by a common goal: to rise above the unexpected departure and redefine our narrative.

No longer tethered to an influencer's whims, we embraced a collective mindset. Ideas were shared, support freely given, and together we embarked on a journey to reclaim our narrative. We recognized that in the wake of departure, there existed an opportunity for reinvention, a chance for the Dumbasses to redefine what it means to be DUMBASS.